At St. Johns College's secondary level the subject offer include:
English Language |
Mathematics Frensh Chemistry Physical Education Religious Studies Hospitality & Tourism Accounts Biology Social Studies Geography Music Clothing Construction |
Secondary students are responsible for purchasing their own textbooks. Most texts are available from Nassau Stationers. Exercise books are available at School. Parents are furnished with a booklist prior to the opening of school in September. The use of the Mead Exercise books is required. The use of correction fluid is not permitted.
Student promotion is based on performance and achievement. The minimum requirement is a Current Year Average of 60% with scores of 60% or higher in Mathematics and Language Arts. Grade Nine (9) students must pass a minimum of five (5) BJC subjects (including Mathematics and English) to qualify for promotion to Grade ten (10). Please note that students may be required to attend Summer School in order to qualify for promotion. Any student may be asked to repeat a grade level ONCE, if the required standard for promotion has not been met.
Click here to review ACEA Student Handbook for additional details.